

sfShader *sfShader_createFromFile(const char *vertexShaderFilename, const char *geometryShaderFilename, const char *fragmentShaderFilename)#

Load the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders from files.

This function loads the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders. Pass NULL if you don’t want to load a specific shader. The sources must be text files containing valid shaders in GLSL language. GLSL is a C-like language dedicated to OpenGL shaders; you’ll probably need to read a good documentation for it before writing your own shaders.

  • vertexShaderFilename – Path of the vertex shader file to load, or NULL to skip this shader

  • geometryShaderFilename – Path of the geometry shader file to load, or NULL to skip this shader

  • fragmentShaderFilename – Path of the fragment shader file to load, or NULL to skip this shader


A new sfShader object, or NULL if it failed

sfShader *sfShader_createFromMemory(const char *vertexShader, const char *geometryShader, const char *fragmentShader)#

Load the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders from source code in memory.

This function loads the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders. Pass NULL if you don’t want to load a specific shader. The sources must be valid shaders in GLSL language. GLSL is a C-like language dedicated to OpenGL shaders; you’ll probably need to read a good documentation for it before writing your own shaders.

  • vertexShader – String containing the source code of the vertex shader, or NULL to skip this shader

  • geometryShader – String containing the source code of the geometry shader, or NULL to skip this shader

  • fragmentShader – String containing the source code of the fragment shader, or NULL to skip this shader


A new sfShader object, or NULL if it failed

sfShader *sfShader_createFromStream(sfInputStream *vertexShaderStream, sfInputStream *geometryShaderStream, sfInputStream *fragmentShaderStream)#

Load the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders from custom streams.

This function loads the vertex, geometry and fragment shaders. Pass NULL if you don’t want to load a specific shader. The source codes must be valid shaders in GLSL language. GLSL is a C-like language dedicated to OpenGL shaders; you’ll probably need to read a good documentation for it before writing your own shaders.

  • vertexShaderStream – Source stream to read the vertex shader from, or NULL to skip this shader

  • geometryShaderStream – Source stream to read the geometry shader from, or NULL to skip this shader

  • fragmentShaderStream – Source stream to read the fragment shader from, or NULL to skip this shader


A new sfShader object, or NULL if it failed

void sfShader_destroy(sfShader *shader)#

Destroy an existing shader.

  • shader – Shader to delete

void sfShader_setFloatUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, float x)#

Specify value for float uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • x – Value of the float scalar

void sfShader_setVec2Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslVec2 vector)#

Specify value for vec2 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the vec2 vector

void sfShader_setVec3Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslVec3 vector)#

Specify value for vec3 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the vec3 vector

void sfShader_setVec4Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslVec4 vector)#

Specify value for vec4 uniform.

sfColor objects can be passed to this function via the use of sfGlslVec4_fromsfColor(sfColor);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the vec4 vector

void sfShader_setColorUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfColor color)#

Specify value for vec4 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • color – Value of the vec4 vector

void sfShader_setIntUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, int x)#

Specify value for int uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • x – Value of the integer scalar

void sfShader_setIvec2Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslIvec2 vector)#

Specify value for ivec2 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the ivec2 vector

void sfShader_setIvec3Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslIvec3 vector)#

Specify value for ivec3 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the ivec3 vector

void sfShader_setIvec4Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslIvec4 vector)#

Specify value for ivec4 uniform.

sfColor objects can be passed to this function via the use of sfGlslIvec4_fromsfColor(sfColor);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the ivec4 vector

void sfShader_setIntColorUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfColor color)#

Specify value for ivec4 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • color – Value of the ivec4 vector

void sfShader_setBoolUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfBool x)#

Specify value for bool uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • x – Value of the bool scalar

void sfShader_setBvec2Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslBvec2 vector)#

Specify value for bvec2 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the bvec2 vector

void sfShader_setBvec3Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslBvec3 vector)#

Specify value for Bvec3 uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the Bvec3 vector

void sfShader_setBvec4Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfGlslBvec4 vector)#

Specify value for bvec4 uniform.

sfColor objects can be passed to this function via the use of sfGlslIvec4_fromsfColor(sfColor);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vector – Value of the bvec4 vector

void sfShader_setMat3Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslMat3 *matrix)#

Specify value for mat3 matrix.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • matrix – Value of the mat3 matrix

void sfShader_setMat4Uniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslMat4 *matrix)#

Specify value for mat4 matrix.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • matrix – Value of the mat4 matrix

void sfShader_setTextureUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfTexture *texture)#

Specify a texture as sampler2D uniform.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2D texture (sampler2D GLSL type).


uniform sampler2D the_texture; // this is the variable in the shader
sfTexture texture;
sfShader_setTextureUniform(shader, "the_texture", &texture);
It is important to note that texture must remain alive as long as the shader uses it, no copy is made internally.

To use the texture of the object being drawn, which cannot be known in advance, you can pass the special value sf::Shader::CurrentTexture:

shader.setUniform("the_texture", sf::Shader::CurrentTexture).

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the texture in the shader

  • texture – Texture to assign

void sfShader_setCurrentTextureUniform(sfShader *shader, const char *name)#

Specify current texture as sampler2D uniform.

This overload maps a shader texture variable to the texture of the object being drawn, which cannot be known in advance. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2D texture (sampler2D GLSL type).


uniform sampler2D current; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setCurrentTextureUniform(shader, "current");

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the texture in the shader

void sfShader_setFloatUniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const float *scalarArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for float[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • scalarArray – pointer to array of float values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setVec2UniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslVec2 *vectorArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for vec2[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vectorArray – pointer to array of vec2 values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setVec3UniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslVec3 *vectorArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for vec3[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vectorArray – pointer to array of vec3 values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setVec4UniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslVec4 *vectorArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for vec4[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • vectorArray – pointer to array of vec4 values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setMat3UniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslMat3 *matrixArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for mat3[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • matrixArray – pointer to array of mat3 values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setMat4UniformArray(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfGlslMat4 *matrixArray, size_t length)#

Specify values for mat4[] array uniform.

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the uniform variable in GLSL

  • matrixArray – pointer to array of mat4 values

  • length – Number of elements in the array

void sfShader_setFloatParameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, float x)#

Change a float parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a float (float GLSL type).


uniform float myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setFloatParameter(shader, "myparam", 5.2f);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • x – Value to assign

void sfShader_setFloat2Parameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, float x, float y)#

Change a 2-components vector parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2x1 vector (vec2 GLSL type).


uniform vec2 myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setFloat2Parameter(shader, "myparam", 5.2f, 6.0f);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • x – First component of the value to assign

  • y – Second component of the value to assign

void sfShader_setFloat3Parameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, float x, float y, float z)#

Change a 3-components vector parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 3x1 vector (vec3 GLSL type).


uniform vec3 myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setFloat3Parameter(shader, "myparam", 5.2f, 6.0f, -8.1f);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • x – First component of the value to assign

  • y – Second component of the value to assign

  • z – Third component of the value to assign

void sfShader_setFloat4Parameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, float x, float y, float z, float w)#

Change a 4-components vector parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 4x1 vector (vec4 GLSL type).


uniform vec4 myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setFloat4Parameter(shader, "myparam", 5.2f, 6.0f, -8.1f, 0.4f);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • x – First component of the value to assign

  • y – Second component of the value to assign

  • z – Third component of the value to assign

  • w – Fourth component of the value to assign

void sfShader_setVector2Parameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfVector2f vector)#

Change a 2-components vector parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2x1 vector (vec2 GLSL type).


uniform vec2 myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfVector2f vec = {5.2f, 6.0f};
sfShader_setVector2Parameter(shader, "myparam", vec);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • vector – Vector to assign

void sfShader_setVector3Parameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfVector3f vector)#

Change a 3-components vector parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 3x1 vector (vec3 GLSL type).


uniform vec3 myparam; // this is the variable in the shader
sfVector3f vec = {5.2f, 6.0f, -8.1f};
sfShader_setVector3Parameter(shader, "myparam", vec);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • vector – Vector to assign

void sfShader_setColorParameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfColor color)#

Change a color parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 4x1 vector (vec4 GLSL type).

It is important to note that the components of the color are normalized before being passed to the shader. Therefore, they are converted from range [0 .. 255] to range [0 .. 1]. For example, a sf::Color(255, 125, 0, 255) will be transformed to a vec4(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) in the shader.


uniform vec4 color; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setColorParameter(shader, "color", sfColor_fromRGB(255, 128, 0));

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • color – Color to assign

void sfShader_setTransformParameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, sfTransform transform)#

Change a matrix parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 4x4 matrix (mat4 GLSL type).


uniform mat4 matrix; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setTransformParameter(shader, "matrix", transform);

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the parameter in the shader

  • transform – Transform to assign

void sfShader_setTextureParameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name, const sfTexture *texture)#

Change a texture parameter of a shader.

name is the name of the variable to change in the shader. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2D texture (sampler2D GLSL type).


uniform sampler2D the_texture; // this is the variable in the shader
sf::Texture texture;
sfShader_setTextureParameter(shader, "the_texture", texture);
It is important to note that texture must remain alive as long as the shader uses it, no copy is made internally.

To use the texture of the object being draw, which cannot be known in advance, you can use the special function sfShader_setCurrentTextureParameter:

sfShader_setCurrentTextureParameter(shader, "the_texture").

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the texture in the shader

  • texture – Texture to assign

void sfShader_setCurrentTextureParameter(sfShader *shader, const char *name)#

Change a texture parameter of a shader.

This function maps a shader texture variable to the texture of the object being drawn, which cannot be known in advance. The corresponding parameter in the shader must be a 2D texture (sampler2D GLSL type).


uniform sampler2D current; // this is the variable in the shader
sfShader_setCurrentTextureParameter(shader, "current");

  • shader – Shader object

  • name – Name of the texture in the shader

unsigned int sfShader_getNativeHandle(const sfShader *shader)#

Get the underlying OpenGL handle of the shader.

You shouldn’t need to use this function, unless you have very specific stuff to implement that SFML doesn’t support, or implement a temporary workaround until a bug is fixed.

  • shader – Shader object


OpenGL handle of the shader or 0 if not yet loaded

void sfShader_bind(const sfShader *shader)#

Bind a shader for rendering (activate it)

This function is not part of the graphics API, it mustn’t be used when drawing SFML entities. It must be used only if you mix sfShader with OpenGL code.

sfShader *s1, *s2;
// draw OpenGL stuff that use s1...
// draw OpenGL stuff that use s2...
// draw OpenGL stuff that use no shader...
  • shader – Shader to bind, can be null to use no shader

sfBool sfShader_isAvailable(void)#

Tell whether or not the system supports shaders.

This function should always be called before using the shader features. If it returns false, then any attempt to use sfShader will fail.


sfTrue if the system can use shaders, sfFalse otherwise

sfBool sfShader_isGeometryAvailable(void)#

Tell whether or not the system supports geometry shaders.

This function should always be called before using the geometry shader features. If it returns false, then any attempt to use sfShader geometry shader features will fail.

This function can only return true if isAvailable() would also return true, since shaders in general have to be supported in order for geometry shaders to be supported as well.

Note: The first call to this function, whether by your code or SFML will result in a context switch.


True if geometry shaders are supported, false otherwise