

enum sfTextStyle#

sfText styles


enumerator sfTextRegular#

Regular characters, no style.

enumerator sfTextBold#

Bold characters.

enumerator sfTextItalic#

Italic characters.

enumerator sfTextUnderlined#

Underlined characters.

enumerator sfTextStrikeThrough#

Strike through characters.


sfText *sfText_create(void)#

Create a new text.


A new sfText object, or NULL if it failed

sfText *sfText_copy(const sfText *text)#

Copy an existing text.

  • text – Text to copy


Copied object

void sfText_destroy(sfText *text)#

Destroy an existing text.

  • text – Text to delete

void sfText_setPosition(sfText *text, sfVector2f position)#

Set the position of a text.

This function completely overwrites the previous position. See sfText_move to apply an offset based on the previous position instead. The default position of a text Text object is (0, 0).

  • text – Text object

  • position – New position

void sfText_setRotation(sfText *text, float angle)#

Set the orientation of a text.

This function completely overwrites the previous rotation. See sfText_rotate to add an angle based on the previous rotation instead. The default rotation of a text Text object is 0.

  • text – Text object

  • angle – New rotation, in degrees

void sfText_setScale(sfText *text, sfVector2f scale)#

Set the scale factors of a text.

This function completely overwrites the previous scale. See sfText_scale to add a factor based on the previous scale instead. The default scale of a text Text object is (1, 1).

  • text – Text object

  • scale – New scale factors

void sfText_setOrigin(sfText *text, sfVector2f origin)#

Set the local origin of a text.

The origin of an object defines the center point for all transformations (position, scale, rotation). The coordinates of this point must be relative to the top-left corner of the object, and ignore all transformations (position, scale, rotation). The default origin of a text object is (0, 0).

  • text – Text object

  • origin – New origin

sfVector2f sfText_getPosition(const sfText *text)#

Get the position of a text.

  • text – Text object


Current position

float sfText_getRotation(const sfText *text)#

Get the orientation of a text.

The rotation is always in the range [0, 360].

  • text – Text object


Current rotation, in degrees

sfVector2f sfText_getScale(const sfText *text)#

Get the current scale of a text.

  • text – Text object


Current scale factors

sfVector2f sfText_getOrigin(const sfText *text)#

Get the local origin of a text.

  • text – Text object


Current origin

void sfText_move(sfText *text, sfVector2f offset)#

Move a text by a given offset.

This function adds to the current position of the object, unlike sfText_setPosition which overwrites it.

  • text – Text object

  • offset – Offset

void sfText_rotate(sfText *text, float angle)#

Rotate a text.

This function adds to the current rotation of the object, unlike sfText_setRotation which overwrites it.

  • text – Text object

  • angle – Angle of rotation, in degrees

void sfText_scale(sfText *text, sfVector2f factors)#

Scale a text.

This function multiplies the current scale of the object, unlike sfText_setScale which overwrites it.

  • text – Text object

  • factors – Scale factors

sfTransform sfText_getTransform(const sfText *text)#

Get the combined transform of a text.

  • text – Text object


Transform combining the position/rotation/scale/origin of the object

sfTransform sfText_getInverseTransform(const sfText *text)#

Get the inverse of the combined transform of a text.

  • text – Text object


Inverse of the combined transformations applied to the object

void sfText_setString(sfText *text, const char *string)#

Set the string of a text (from an ANSI string)

A text’s string is empty by default.

  • text – Text object

  • string – New string

void sfText_setUnicodeString(sfText *text, const sfUint32 *string)#

Set the string of a text (from a unicode string)

  • text – Text object

  • string – New string

void sfText_setFont(sfText *text, const sfFont *font)#

Set the font of a text.

The font argument refers to a texture that must exist as long as the text uses it. Indeed, the text doesn’t store its own copy of the font, but rather keeps a pointer to the one that you passed to this function. If the font is destroyed and the text tries to use it, the behaviour is undefined.

  • text – Text object

  • font – New font

void sfText_setCharacterSize(sfText *text, unsigned int size)#

Set the character size of a text.

The default size is 30.

  • text – Text object

  • size – New character size, in pixels

void sfText_setLineSpacing(sfText *text, float spacingFactor)#

Set the line spacing factor.

The default spacing between lines is defined by the font. This method enables you to set a factor for the spacing between lines. By default the line spacing factor is 1.

See also


  • text – Text object

  • spacingFactor – New line spacing factor

void sfText_setLetterSpacing(sfText *text, float spacingFactor)#

Set the letter spacing factor.

The default spacing between letters is defined by the font. This factor doesn’t directly apply to the existing spacing between each character, it rather adds a fixed space between them which is calculated from the font metrics and the character size. Note that factors below 1 (including negative numbers) bring characters closer to each other. By default the letter spacing factor is 1.

See also


  • text – Text object

  • spacingFactor – New letter spacing factor

void sfText_setStyle(sfText *text, sfUint32 style)#

Set the style of a text.

You can pass a combination of one or more styles, for example sfTextBold | sfTextItalic. The default style is sfTextRegular.

  • text – Text object

  • style – New style

void sfText_setColor(sfText *text, sfColor color)#

Set the fill color of a text.

By default, the text’s fill color is opaque white. Setting the fill color to a transparent color with an outline will cause the outline to be displayed in the fill area of the text.


This function is deprecated and may be removed in future releases. Use sfText_setFillColor instead.

  • text – Text object

  • color – New fill color of the text

void sfText_setFillColor(sfText *text, sfColor color)#

Set the fill color of a text.

By default, the text’s fill color is opaque white. Setting the fill color to a transparent color with an outline will cause the outline to be displayed in the fill area of the text.

  • text – Text object

  • color – New fill color of the text

void sfText_setOutlineColor(sfText *text, sfColor color)#

Set the outline color of the text.

By default, the text’s outline color is opaque black.

  • text – Text object

  • color – New outline color of the text

void sfText_setOutlineThickness(sfText *text, float thickness)#

Set the thickness of the text’s outline.

By default, the outline thickness is 0.

Be aware that using a negative value for the outline thickness will cause distorted rendering.

See also


  • thickness – New outline thickness, in pixels

const char *sfText_getString(const sfText *text)#

Get the string of a text (returns an ANSI string)

  • text – Text object


String as a locale-dependant ANSI string

const sfUint32 *sfText_getUnicodeString(const sfText *text)#

Get the string of a text (returns a unicode string)

  • text – Text object


String as UTF-32

const sfFont *sfText_getFont(const sfText *text)#

Get the font used by a text.

If the text has no font attached, a NULL pointer is returned. The returned pointer is const, which means that you can’t modify the font when you retrieve it with this function.

  • text – Text object


Pointer to the font

unsigned int sfText_getCharacterSize(const sfText *text)#

Get the size of the characters of a text.

  • text – Text object


Size of the characters

float sfText_getLetterSpacing(const sfText *text)#

Get the size of the letter spacing factor.

See also


  • text – Text object


Size of the letter spacing factor

float sfText_getLineSpacing(const sfText *text)#

Get the size of the line spacing factor.

See also


  • text – Text object


Size of the line spacing factor

sfUint32 sfText_getStyle(const sfText *text)#

Get the style of a text.

  • text – Text object


Current string style (see sfTextStyle enum)

sfColor sfText_getColor(const sfText *text)#

Get the fill color of a text.


This function is deprecated and may be removed in future releases. Use sfText_getFillColor instead.

  • text – Text object


Fill color of the text

sfColor sfText_getFillColor(const sfText *text)#

Get the fill color of a text.

  • text – Text object


Fill color of the text

sfColor sfText_getOutlineColor(const sfText *text)#

Get the outline color of a text.

  • text – Text object


Outline color of the text

float sfText_getOutlineThickness(const sfText *text)#

Get the outline thickness of a text.

  • text – Text object


Outline thickness of a text, in pixels

sfVector2f sfText_findCharacterPos(const sfText *text, size_t index)#

Return the position of the index-th character in a text.

This function computes the visual position of a character from its index in the string. The returned position is in global coordinates (translation, rotation, scale and origin are applied). If index is out of range, the position of the end of the string is returned.

  • text – Text object

  • index – Index of the character


Position of the character

sfFloatRect sfText_getLocalBounds(const sfText *text)#

Get the local bounding rectangle of a text.

The returned rectangle is in local coordinates, which means that it ignores the transformations (translation, rotation, scale, …) that are applied to the entity. In other words, this function returns the bounds of the entity in the entity’s coordinate system.

  • text – Text object


Local bounding rectangle of the entity

sfFloatRect sfText_getGlobalBounds(const sfText *text)#

Get the global bounding rectangle of a text.

The returned rectangle is in global coordinates, which means that it takes in account the transformations (translation, rotation, scale, …) that are applied to the entity. In other words, this function returns the bounds of the text in the global 2D world’s coordinate system.

  • text – Text object


Global bounding rectangle of the entity