

sfTcpSocket *sfTcpSocket_create(void)#

Create a new TCP socket.


A new sfTcpSocket object

void sfTcpSocket_destroy(sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Destroy a TCP socket.

  • socket – TCP socket to destroy

void sfTcpSocket_setBlocking(sfTcpSocket *socket, sfBool blocking)#

Set the blocking state of a TCP listener.

In blocking mode, calls will not return until they have completed their task. For example, a call to sfTcpSocket_receive in blocking mode won’t return until new data was actually received. In non-blocking mode, calls will always return immediately, using the return code to signal whether there was data available or not. By default, all sockets are blocking.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • blocking – sfTrue to set the socket as blocking, sfFalse for non-blocking

sfBool sfTcpSocket_isBlocking(const sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Tell whether a TCP socket is in blocking or non-blocking mode.

  • socket – TCP socket object


sfTrue if the socket is blocking, sfFalse otherwise

unsigned short sfTcpSocket_getLocalPort(const sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Get the port to which a TCP socket is bound locally.

If the socket is not connected, this function returns 0.

  • socket – TCP socket object


Port to which the socket is bound

sfIpAddress sfTcpSocket_getRemoteAddress(const sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Get the address of the connected peer of a TCP socket.

It the socket is not connected, this function returns sfIpAddress_None.

  • socket – TCP socket object


Address of the remote peer

unsigned short sfTcpSocket_getRemotePort(const sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Get the port of the connected peer to which a TCP socket is connected.

If the socket is not connected, this function returns 0.

  • socket – TCP socket object


Remote port to which the socket is connected

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_connect(sfTcpSocket *socket, sfIpAddress remoteAddress, unsigned short remotePort, sfTime timeout)#

Connect a TCP socket to a remote peer.

In blocking mode, this function may take a while, especially if the remote peer is not reachable. The last parameter allows you to stop trying to connect after a given timeout. If the socket was previously connected, it is first disconnected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • remoteAddress – Address of the remote peer

  • remotePort – Port of the remote peer

  • timeout – Maximum time to wait


Status code

void sfTcpSocket_disconnect(sfTcpSocket *socket)#

Disconnect a TCP socket from its remote peer.

This function gracefully closes the connection. If the socket is not connected, this function has no effect.

  • socket – TCP socket object

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_send(sfTcpSocket *socket, const void *data, size_t size)#

Send raw data to the remote peer of a TCP socket.

To be able to handle partial sends over non-blocking sockets, use the sfTcpSocket_sendPartial(sfTcpSocket*, const void*, std::size_t, size_t*) overload instead. This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • data – Pointer to the sequence of bytes to send

  • size – Number of bytes to send


Status code

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_sendPartial(sfTcpSocket *socket, const void *data, size_t size, size_t *sent)#

Send raw data to the remote peer.

This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • data – Pointer to the sequence of bytes to send

  • size – Number of bytes to send

  • sent – The number of bytes sent will be written here


Status code

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_receive(sfTcpSocket *socket, void *data, size_t size, size_t *received)#

Receive raw data from the remote peer of a TCP socket.

In blocking mode, this function will wait until some bytes are actually received. This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • data – Pointer to the array to fill with the received bytes

  • size – Maximum number of bytes that can be received

  • received – This variable is filled with the actual number of bytes received


Status code

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_sendPacket(sfTcpSocket *socket, sfPacket *packet)#

Send a formatted packet of data to the remote peer of a TCP socket.

In non-blocking mode, if this function returns sfSocketPartial, you must retry sending the same unmodified packet before sending anything else in order to guarantee the packet arrives at the remote peer uncorrupted. This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • packet – Packet to send


Status code

sfSocketStatus sfTcpSocket_receivePacket(sfTcpSocket *socket, sfPacket *packet)#

Receive a formatted packet of data from the remote peer.

In blocking mode, this function will wait until the whole packet has been received. This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

  • socket – TCP socket object

  • packet – Packet to fill with the received data


Status code