

enum sfFtpTransferMode#

Enumeration of transfer modes.


enumerator sfFtpBinary#

Binary mode (file is transfered as a sequence of bytes)

enumerator sfFtpAscii#

Text mode using ASCII encoding.

enumerator sfFtpEbcdic#

Text mode using EBCDIC encoding.

enum sfFtpStatus#

Status codes possibly returned by a FTP response.


enumerator sfFtpRestartMarkerReply#

Restart marker reply.

enumerator sfFtpServiceReadySoon#

Service ready in N minutes.

enumerator sfFtpDataConnectionAlreadyOpened#

Data connection already opened, transfer starting.

enumerator sfFtpOpeningDataConnection#

File status ok, about to open data connection.

enumerator sfFtpOk#

Command ok.

enumerator sfFtpPointlessCommand#

Command not implemented.

enumerator sfFtpSystemStatus#

System status, or system help reply.

enumerator sfFtpDirectoryStatus#

Directory status.

enumerator sfFtpFileStatus#

File status.

enumerator sfFtpHelpMessage#

Help message.

enumerator sfFtpSystemType#

NAME system type, where NAME is an official system name from the list in the Assigned Numbers document.

enumerator sfFtpServiceReady#

Service ready for new user.

enumerator sfFtpClosingConnection#

Service closing control connection.

enumerator sfFtpDataConnectionOpened#

Data connection open, no transfer in progress.

enumerator sfFtpClosingDataConnection#

Closing data connection, requested file action successful.

enumerator sfFtpEnteringPassiveMode#

Entering passive mode.

enumerator sfFtpLoggedIn#

User logged in, proceed. Logged out if appropriate.

enumerator sfFtpFileActionOk#

Requested file action ok.

enumerator sfFtpDirectoryOk#

PATHNAME created.

enumerator sfFtpNeedPassword#

User name ok, need password.

enumerator sfFtpNeedAccountToLogIn#

Need account for login.

enumerator sfFtpNeedInformation#

Requested file action pending further information.

enumerator sfFtpServiceUnavailable#

Service not available, closing control connection.

enumerator sfFtpDataConnectionUnavailable#

Can’t open data connection.

enumerator sfFtpTransferAborted#

Connection closed, transfer aborted.

enumerator sfFtpFileActionAborted#

Requested file action not taken.

enumerator sfFtpLocalError#

Requested action aborted, local error in processing.

enumerator sfFtpInsufficientStorageSpace#

Requested action not taken; insufficient storage space in system, file unavailable.

enumerator sfFtpCommandUnknown#

Syntax error, command unrecognized.

enumerator sfFtpParametersUnknown#

Syntax error in parameters or arguments.

enumerator sfFtpCommandNotImplemented#

Command not implemented.

enumerator sfFtpBadCommandSequence#

Bad sequence of commands.

enumerator sfFtpParameterNotImplemented#

Command not implemented for that parameter.

enumerator sfFtpNotLoggedIn#

Not logged in.

enumerator sfFtpNeedAccountToStore#

Need account for storing files.

enumerator sfFtpFileUnavailable#

Requested action not taken, file unavailable.

enumerator sfFtpPageTypeUnknown#

Requested action aborted, page type unknown.

enumerator sfFtpNotEnoughMemory#

Requested file action aborted, exceeded storage allocation.

enumerator sfFtpFilenameNotAllowed#

Requested action not taken, file name not allowed.

enumerator sfFtpInvalidResponse#

Response is not a valid FTP one.

enumerator sfFtpConnectionFailed#

Connection with server failed.

enumerator sfFtpConnectionClosed#

Connection with server closed.

enumerator sfFtpInvalidFile#

Invalid file to upload / download.


void sfFtpListingResponse_destroy(sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse)#

Destroy a FTP listing response.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response to destroy

sfBool sfFtpListingResponse_isOk(const sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse)#

Check if a FTP listing response status code means a success.

This function is defined for convenience, it is equivalent to testing if the status code is < 400.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response


sfTrue if the status is a success, sfFalse if it is a failure

sfFtpStatus sfFtpListingResponse_getStatus(const sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse)#

Get the status code of a FTP listing response.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response


Status code

const char *sfFtpListingResponse_getMessage(const sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse)#

Get the full message contained in a FTP listing response.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response


The response message

size_t sfFtpListingResponse_getCount(const sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse)#

Return the number of directory/file names contained in a FTP listing response.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response


Total number of names available

const char *sfFtpListingResponse_getName(const sfFtpListingResponse *ftpListingResponse, size_t index)#

Return a directory/file name contained in a FTP listing response.

  • ftpListingResponse – Ftp listing response

  • index – Index of the name to get (in range [0 .. getCount])


The requested name

void sfFtpDirectoryResponse_destroy(sfFtpDirectoryResponse *ftpDirectoryResponse)#

Destroy a FTP directory response.

  • ftpDirectoryResponse – Ftp directory response to destroy

sfBool sfFtpDirectoryResponse_isOk(const sfFtpDirectoryResponse *ftpDirectoryResponse)#

Check if a FTP directory response status code means a success.

This function is defined for convenience, it is equivalent to testing if the status code is < 400.

  • ftpDirectoryResponse – Ftp directory response


sfTrue if the status is a success, sfFalse if it is a failure

sfFtpStatus sfFtpDirectoryResponse_getStatus(const sfFtpDirectoryResponse *ftpDirectoryResponse)#

Get the status code of a FTP directory response.

  • ftpDirectoryResponse – Ftp directory response


Status code

const char *sfFtpDirectoryResponse_getMessage(const sfFtpDirectoryResponse *ftpDirectoryResponse)#

Get the full message contained in a FTP directory response.

  • ftpDirectoryResponse – Ftp directory response


The response message

const char *sfFtpDirectoryResponse_getDirectory(const sfFtpDirectoryResponse *ftpDirectoryResponse)#

Get the directory returned in a FTP directory response.

  • ftpDirectoryResponse – Ftp directory response


Directory name

void sfFtpResponse_destroy(sfFtpResponse *ftpResponse)#

Destroy a FTP response.

  • ftpResponse – Ftp response to destroy

sfBool sfFtpResponse_isOk(const sfFtpResponse *ftpResponse)#

Check if a FTP response status code means a success.

This function is defined for convenience, it is equivalent to testing if the status code is < 400.

  • ftpResponse – Ftp response object


sfTrue if the status is a success, sfFalse if it is a failure

sfFtpStatus sfFtpResponse_getStatus(const sfFtpResponse *ftpResponse)#

Get the status code of a FTP response.

  • ftpResponse – Ftp response object


Status code

const char *sfFtpResponse_getMessage(const sfFtpResponse *ftpResponse)#

Get the full message contained in a FTP response.

  • ftpResponse – Ftp response object


The response message

sfFtp *sfFtp_create(void)#

Create a new Ftp object.


A new sfFtp object

void sfFtp_destroy(sfFtp *ftp)#

Destroy a Ftp object.

  • ftp – Ftp object to destroy

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_connect(sfFtp *ftp, sfIpAddress server, unsigned short port, sfTime timeout)#

Connect to the specified FTP server.

The port should be 21, which is the standard port used by the FTP protocol. You shouldn’t use a different value, unless you really know what you do. This function tries to connect to the server so it may take a while to complete, especially if the server is not reachable. To avoid blocking your application for too long, you can use a timeout. Using 0 means that the system timeout will be used (which is usually pretty long).

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • server – Name or address of the FTP server to connect to

  • port – Port used for the connection

  • timeout – Maximum time to wait


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_loginAnonymous(sfFtp *ftp)#

Log in using an anonymous account.

Logging in is mandatory after connecting to the server. Users that are not logged in cannot perform any operation.

  • ftp – Ftp object


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_login(sfFtp *ftp, const char *name, const char *password)#

Log in using a username and a password.

Logging in is mandatory after connecting to the server. Users that are not logged in cannot perform any operation.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • name – User name

  • password – Password


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_disconnect(sfFtp *ftp)#

Close the connection with the server.

  • ftp – Ftp object


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_keepAlive(sfFtp *ftp)#

Send a null command to keep the connection alive.

This command is useful because the server may close the connection automatically if no command is sent.

  • ftp – Ftp object


Server response to the request

sfFtpDirectoryResponse *sfFtp_getWorkingDirectory(sfFtp *ftp)#

Get the current working directory.

The working directory is the root path for subsequent operations involving directories and/or filenames.

  • ftp – Ftp object


Server response to the request

sfFtpListingResponse *sfFtp_getDirectoryListing(sfFtp *ftp, const char *directory)#

Get the contents of the given directory.

This function retrieves the sub-directories and files contained in the given directory. It is not recursive. The directory parameter is relative to the current working directory.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • directory – Directory to list


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_changeDirectory(sfFtp *ftp, const char *directory)#

Change the current working directory.

The new directory must be relative to the current one.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • directory – New working directory


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_parentDirectory(sfFtp *ftp)#

Go to the parent directory of the current one.

  • ftp – Ftp object


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_createDirectory(sfFtp *ftp, const char *name)#

Create a new directory.

The new directory is created as a child of the current working directory.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • name – Name of the directory to create


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_deleteDirectory(sfFtp *ftp, const char *name)#

Remove an existing directory.

The directory to remove must be relative to the current working directory. Use this function with caution, the directory will be removed permanently!

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • name – Name of the directory to remove


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_renameFile(sfFtp *ftp, const char *file, const char *newName)#

Rename an existing file.

The filenames must be relative to the current working directory.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • file – File to rename

  • newName – New name of the file


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_deleteFile(sfFtp *ftp, const char *name)#

Remove an existing file.

The file name must be relative to the current working directory. Use this function with caution, the file will be removed permanently!

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • name – File to remove


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_download(sfFtp *ftp, const char *remoteFile, const char *localPath, sfFtpTransferMode mode)#

Download a file from a FTP server.

The filename of the distant file is relative to the current working directory of the server, and the local destination path is relative to the current directory of your application.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • remoteFile – Filename of the distant file to download

  • localPath – Where to put to file on the local computer

  • mode – Transfer mode


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_upload(sfFtp *ftp, const char *localFile, const char *remotePath, sfFtpTransferMode mode, sfBool append)#

Upload a file to a FTP server.

The name of the local file is relative to the current working directory of your application, and the remote path is relative to the current directory of the FTP server.

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • localFile – Path of the local file to upload

  • remotePath – Where to put to file on the server

  • mode – Transfer mode

  • append – Pass sfTrue to append to or sfFalse to overwrite the remote file if it already exists


Server response to the request

sfFtpResponse *sfFtp_sendCommand(sfFtp *ftp, const char *command, const char *parameter)#

Send a command to the FTP server.

While the most often used commands are provided as specific functions, this function can be used to send any FTP command to the server. If the command requires one or more parameters, they can be specified in parameter. Otherwise you should pass NULL. If the server returns information, you can extract it from the response using sfResponse_getMessage().

  • ftp – Ftp object

  • command – Command to send

  • parameter – Command parameter


Server response to the request