

Global joysticks capabilities.


enumerator sfJoystickCount#

Maximum number of supported joysticks.

enumerator sfJoystickButtonCount#

Maximum number of supported buttons.

enumerator sfJoystickAxisCount#

Maximum number of supported axes.

enum sfJoystickAxis#

Axes supported by SFML joysticks.


enumerator sfJoystickX#

The X axis.

enumerator sfJoystickY#

The Y axis.

enumerator sfJoystickZ#

The Z axis.

enumerator sfJoystickR#

The R axis.

enumerator sfJoystickU#

The U axis.

enumerator sfJoystickV#

The V axis.

enumerator sfJoystickPovX#

The X axis of the point-of-view hat.

enumerator sfJoystickPovY#

The Y axis of the point-of-view hat.


sfBool sfJoystick_isConnected(unsigned int joystick)#

Check if a joystick is connected.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick to check


sfTrue if the joystick is connected, sfFalse otherwise

unsigned int sfJoystick_getButtonCount(unsigned int joystick)#

Return the number of buttons supported by a joystick.

If the joystick is not connected, this function returns 0.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick


Number of buttons supported by the joystick

sfBool sfJoystick_hasAxis(unsigned int joystick, sfJoystickAxis axis)#

Check if a joystick supports a given axis.

If the joystick is not connected, this function returns false.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick

  • axis – Axis to check


sfTrue if the joystick supports the axis, sfFalse otherwise

sfBool sfJoystick_isButtonPressed(unsigned int joystick, unsigned int button)#

Check if a joystick button is pressed.

If the joystick is not connected, this function returns false.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick

  • button – Button to check


sfTrue if the button is pressed, sfFalse otherwise

float sfJoystick_getAxisPosition(unsigned int joystick, sfJoystickAxis axis)#

Get the current position of a joystick axis.

If the joystick is not connected, this function returns 0.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick

  • axis – Axis to check


Current position of the axis, in range [-100 .. 100]

sfJoystickIdentification sfJoystick_getIdentification(unsigned int joystick)#

Get the joystick information.

The result of this function will only remain valid until the next time the function is called.

  • joystick – Index of the joystick


Structure containing joystick information.

void sfJoystick_update(void)#

Update the states of all joysticks.

This function is used internally by SFML, so you normally don’t have to call it explicitely. However, you may need to call it if you have no window yet (or no window at all): in this case the joysticks states are not updated automatically.