

sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_fromString(const char *address)#

Create an address from a string.

Here address can be either a decimal address (ex: “”) or a network name (ex: “localhost”).

  • address – IP address or network name


Resulting address

sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_fromBytes(sfUint8 byte0, sfUint8 byte1, sfUint8 byte2, sfUint8 byte3)#

Create an address from 4 bytes.

Calling sfIpAddress_fromBytes(a, b, c, d) is equivalent to calling sfIpAddress_fromString(“a.b.c.d”), but safer as it doesn’t have to parse a string to get the address components.

  • byte0 – First byte of the address

  • byte1 – Second byte of the address

  • byte2 – Third byte of the address

  • byte3 – Fourth byte of the address


Resulting address

sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_fromInteger(sfUint32 address)#

Construct an address from a 32-bits integer.

This function uses the internal representation of the address directly. It should be used for optimization purposes, and only if you got that representation from sfIpAddress_ToInteger.

  • address – 4 bytes of the address packed into a 32-bits integer


Resulting address

void sfIpAddress_toString(sfIpAddress address, char *string)#

Get a string representation of an address.

The returned string is the decimal representation of the IP address (like “”), even if it was constructed from a host name.

  • address – Address object

  • string – String where the string representation will be stored

sfUint32 sfIpAddress_toInteger(sfIpAddress address)#

Get an integer representation of the address.

The returned number is the internal representation of the address, and should be used for optimization purposes only (like sending the address through a socket). The integer produced by this function can then be converted back to a sfIpAddress with sfIpAddress_FromInteger.

  • address – Address object


32-bits unsigned integer representation of the address

sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_getLocalAddress(void)#

Get the computer’s local address.

The local address is the address of the computer from the LAN point of view, i.e. something like It is meaningful only for communications over the local network. Unlike sfIpAddress_getPublicAddress, this function is fast and may be used safely anywhere.


Local IP address of the computer

sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_getPublicAddress(sfTime timeout)#

Get the computer’s public address.

The public address is the address of the computer from the internet point of view, i.e. something like It is necessary for communications over the world wide web. The only way to get a public address is to ask it to a distant website; as a consequence, this function depends on both your network connection and the server, and may be very slow. You should use it as few as possible. Because this function depends on the network connection and on a distant server, you may use a time limit if you don’t want your program to be possibly stuck waiting in case there is a problem; use 0 to deactivate this limit.

  • timeout – Maximum time to wait


Public IP address of the computer


const sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_None#

Empty object that represents invalid addresses.

const sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_Any#

Value representing any address (

const sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_LocalHost#

Local host IP address (, or “localhost”)

const sfIpAddress sfIpAddress_Broadcast#

UDP broadcast address (

struct sfIpAddress#
#include <IpAddress.h>

Encapsulate an IPv4 network address.

Public Members

char address[16]#