

sfTransform sfTransform_fromMatrix(float a00, float a01, float a02, float a10, float a11, float a12, float a20, float a21, float a22)#

Create a new transform from a matrix.

  • a00 – Element (0, 0) of the matrix

  • a01 – Element (0, 1) of the matrix

  • a02 – Element (0, 2) of the matrix

  • a10 – Element (1, 0) of the matrix

  • a11 – Element (1, 1) of the matrix

  • a12 – Element (1, 2) of the matrix

  • a20 – Element (2, 0) of the matrix

  • a21 – Element (2, 1) of the matrix

  • a22 – Element (2, 2) of the matrix


A new sfTransform object

void sfTransform_getMatrix(const sfTransform *transform, float *matrix)#

Return the 4x4 matrix of a transform.

This function fills an array of 16 floats with the transform converted as a 4x4 matrix, which is directly compatible with OpenGL functions.

sfTransform transform = ...;
float matrix[16];
sfTransform_getMatrix(&transform, matrix)
  • transform – Transform object

  • matrix – Pointer to the 16-element array to fill with the matrix

sfTransform sfTransform_getInverse(const sfTransform *transform)#

Return the inverse of a transform.

If the inverse cannot be computed, a new identity transform is returned.

  • transform – Transform object


The inverse matrix

sfVector2f sfTransform_transformPoint(const sfTransform *transform, sfVector2f point)#

Apply a transform to a 2D point.

  • transform – Transform object

  • point – Point to transform


Transformed point

sfFloatRect sfTransform_transformRect(const sfTransform *transform, sfFloatRect rectangle)#

Apply a transform to a rectangle.

Since SFML doesn’t provide support for oriented rectangles, the result of this function is always an axis-aligned rectangle. Which means that if the transform contains a rotation, the bounding rectangle of the transformed rectangle is returned.

  • transform – Transform object

  • rectangle – Rectangle to transform


Transformed rectangle

void sfTransform_combine(sfTransform *transform, const sfTransform *other)#

Combine two transforms.

The result is a transform that is equivalent to applying transform followed by other. Mathematically, it is equivalent to a matrix multiplication.

  • transform – Transform object

  • other – Transform to combine to transform

void sfTransform_translate(sfTransform *transform, float x, float y)#

Combine a transform with a translation.

  • transform – Transform object

  • x – Offset to apply on X axis

  • y – Offset to apply on Y axis

void sfTransform_rotate(sfTransform *transform, float angle)#

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

  • transform – Transform object

  • angle – Rotation angle, in degrees

void sfTransform_rotateWithCenter(sfTransform *transform, float angle, float centerX, float centerY)#

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

The center of rotation is provided for convenience as a second argument, so that you can build rotations around arbitrary points more easily (and efficiently) than the usual [translate(-center), rotate(angle), translate(center)].

  • transform – Transform object

  • angle – Rotation angle, in degrees

  • centerX – X coordinate of the center of rotation

  • centerY – Y coordinate of the center of rotation

void sfTransform_scale(sfTransform *transform, float scaleX, float scaleY)#

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

  • transform – Transform object

  • scaleX – Scaling factor on the X axis

  • scaleY – Scaling factor on the Y axis

void sfTransform_scaleWithCenter(sfTransform *transform, float scaleX, float scaleY, float centerX, float centerY)#

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

The center of scaling is provided for convenience as a second argument, so that you can build scaling around arbitrary points more easily (and efficiently) than the usual [translate(-center), scale(factors), translate(center)]

  • transform – Transform object

  • scaleX – Scaling factor on X axis

  • scaleY – Scaling factor on Y axis

  • centerX – X coordinate of the center of scaling

  • centerY – Y coordinate of the center of scaling

sfBool sfTransform_equal(sfTransform *left, sfTransform *right)#

Compare two transforms for equality.

Performs an element-wise comparison of the elements of the left transform with the elements of the right transform.

  • left – Left operand (the first transform)

  • right – Right operand (the second transform)


true if the transforms are equal, false otherwise


const sfTransform sfTransform_Identity#

Identity transform (does nothing)

struct sfTransform#
#include <Transform.h>

Encapsulate a 3x3 transform matrix.

Public Members

float matrix[9]#